A damper is a valve or plate that stops or manages the progression of air inside a channel, smokestack, VAV box, air handler, or other air-dealing with gear. A damper might be utilized to cut off focal cooling to an unused room or to manage it for room-by-room temperature and atmosphere control. Its activity can be manual or programmed. Manual dampers are turned by an idea about the outside of a conduit. Programmed dampers are utilized to manage wind stream always and are worked by electric or pneumatic engines, thusly constrained by an indoor regulator or building robotization framework. Programmed or mechanized dampers may likewise be constrained by a solenoid, and the level of wind stream adjusted, maybe as indicated by a sign from the indoor regulator heading off to the actuator of the damper so as to tweak the progression of cooled air so as to impact atmosphere control.
Fire dampers are structured as a security shut of gadgets with the capacity to withstand high temperatures during flame.
Dampers are utilized noticeable all around or a gas way to reroute stream into an elective conduit framework or to segregate a procedure as a rule for assessment and fix or control the stream or control the commotion or control volume or to control fire. We make Industrial dampers for all applications including AC damper framework, Air control Dampers, Gas control Dampers, Volume Control Dampers.